Home Standby (HSB) Generators
Generac Generators
Best In The Treasure Valley and Beyond!
Home Standby Generators with Automatic Transfer Switches (ATS) offer reliable power to your home when the utility cannot. Whether it be a line repair, downed power pole, blown transformer, or bad weather that cuts the power, your generator will have you back online within 10 seconds and keep you powered up until the utility is back online.
With a proper installation, a certified Generac technician would perform a complete startup and tests on generators. In addition, the technician will provide owner training and maintenance requirements. We can provide an annual preventative maintenance (offered as an additional service). This will ensure your home backup generator will be there for you when you need it.
JTS is the leading Generac Sales and Service dealer in the Treasure Valley. With the largest inventory stock of Generac parts, gererator and ATSs, we offer a full range of generator parts, repair, maintenance, service, and testing at our Caldwell facility. We can also dispatch one of our Generac Certified Technicians to your location.
The JTS Sales and Service Team is ready to assist with all your generator needs. You can call our local number in upper right-hand corner or down below and ask for the Generac Sales or Service Department, or click on the below link and fill out the form to request a call back within 24 hours. We look forward to hearing from you.
Johnson Thermal Systems Sales and Service